Wednesday, July 22, 2009


maria said...

perhaps she is waiting the train...

Corinna Nitschmann said...

...or she is sad. I think the background colors let me feel this.

irisz said...

a bit blue... :)

Angelico said...

Nekem úgy tűnik, hogy ebben a böröndben több van, mint ami egy nyaraláshoz kell...

Akármi is... irigylésre méltó, hogy le tudta zárni.

Retrohungary said...

Megsimogatnám a buksiját... sőt, meg is tettem. :)

Celia said...

This baby conveys many thing. I like very much. Reminds me of me.
Kisses from Valencia.

Frazon Zsófi said...

és ebben már a dzsadzsa szilva is benne van?

Anonymous said...


you totally, totally rock!... I love Ur work a lot... makes me feel a lot af things...

I feel lucky 'cause I found this blog...

greetings from here! bye

Loni Edwards said...

This is lovely! Is she sad because she has to leave from a lovely vacation? :)

Vincent Juanes said...

Great illustration! I love it!!!

Minie said...

Quel joli blog tu as !!! J'adore tes illustrations si fraîches. Bises et bonnes vacances.

Rubiane said...

Where´s she go?

Gabi said...

LOVELY !!!!!

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