Thursday, April 23, 2009

Collection of Cats // Macskagyűjtemény


Kriszta said...

Ennivalóak a cicáid! :D (meg a medvéid, meg a nyulaid...)

Jess said...

They look as though they're waiting for something!x

Andrea said...

Awwwwww...., ahogy a művelt angol mondaná. :)

Snake Charmer said...

that is so cute :)

Anonymous said...

Those are the coolest cats I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

Adorable kitties, are they waiting for a taxi? I just love them!
Good thoughts from the brush...doris

stacy kathryn said...

They want treats!

Loni Edwards said...

So sweet! Maybe they are waiting for their breakfast like my kitty does! I love the green background!

Patricia González Palacios said...

Beatifull gatitos. Hi from Chile

Celia said...

This illustration is very sweet and charming. You have the great gift of creating imaginary worlds filled with beauty.

krisztina maros said...

úgy látom, zöldet és barnát nem fogunk tudni cserélni... :) nagyon jófejek a macsekok!

irisz said...

én adok zöldet barnáért, Te pedig fordítva, hmm?

blonderland said...

Your art has such a great feel to it. Loose and fun and cute without being cutesy. Well done!

Fruzsi said...

Ez az én bandám! Pont ennyien vannak és a méretük is stimmel. Köszi, hogy lerajzoltad őket! :D

Carl said...

Cute! :D